Relax republicans, while the dems have lost big here there are no winners other than senator Brown as yet. Confusion reigns amongst democrats as to the meaning of this event. They know voters wanted healthcare reform in the last election but they have rejected it to an exponential degree here. Republicans seem to believe Americans want the status quo. Are you kidding me? Are either of these parties capable of serving the American people? Let me put this clearly and simply for the administration and the congress both. The people do not reject healthcare reform, they reject this healthcare monstrosity. As usual the people understand that something of this magnitude cannot and should not be done quickly and all at once. Something smaller yet significant and effective could insure millions who currently or in the near future will be uninsured. The expansion of Medicare to age 55 or a compromise to 62 coupled with real tort reform could pass and make a huge difference. Either or both political parties could ride a wave of success by proposing these measures. There is opportunity here for politicians to make a difference and to reap the rewards for it. Personally I’m not holding my breath though.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A while back I came to realize that I wasn't reading anymore. In this world of hundreds of tv stations Dvds,movie channels, etc., there wasn't time. Well I didn't change my routines or make any earth shattering moves, ( like I did 30 years ago when I bought an exercise machine.) No instead I just sighed and made some microwave popcorn. Ahh, but the seeds of change had been planted in my mind and in some deep sense I knew that, even as I munched away and watched channel 154 (The hyper captains of industry history channel or something like that.) Inevitably those seeds bore fruit when one day I moved the magazine rack I once got for Christmas into the bathroom. At first I stocked it with the usual, Readers Digest, ESPN the magazine, etc. But one way or another, I don't remember the details, an unread novel made its way in there and well nature just took it's course. . Now I realize that Tom Clancy and Steven King and all the rest did not have this in mind when they labored tirelessly over their work. But they did have in mind that people would read. And thru this joint effort, writer and reader would bring forth this metamorphosis of entertainment, art, and knowledge. Now have no doubt it is a joint effort, reading and writing. Without the reader a writer is merely a tool of futility and frustration. So the point of it all. Whether the reading room is a den, a bedroom, or the loo, make good use of it.
As a a follow up it would appear Mr. Dean came to his “senses” and now thinks the best stratedgy for the Dems to follow is to push for “the whole enchilada.” To be fair and proper that is my quote not his but it is a fair description of his and many other prominent dems position on the MASSECHUSETTS MASSACRE as of sometiome yesterday. Life goes on, good grief.
Comment by tomain — January 21, 2010 @ 3:34 pm
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Comment by tomain — January 21, 2010 @ 3:34 pm
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tomain's Blog
Massachusetts to the rescue
January 19, 2010Leave a Comment
Finally some sanity in the healthcare fiasco. The people of Massachusetts have injected a dose of reality into the democratic party. Whether or not the Anti Obamacare candidate is elected the message is loud and clear. Slow down. Healthcare reform is what the american people desired not the total takeover now being crammed down their throats President Obama’s ineptitude as a legislator and his complete lack of any executive experience now threatens his political party’s grip on power. He actually believed that something as complex and entwined as a government takeover of our healthcare system could be worked out, written, and passed by the congress in a matter of weeks. From his viewpoint, why not. The makers and shakers in congress have always done the hard stuff, like working out all the details, all he had to do is agree or disagree. Although sometimes that was hard too, witness all the present votes on his record. All of this is becoming clear to those charged with the continuance of a relevant democratic party. Howard Dean explained on CNBC that had congress passed a simple expansion of Medicare to lower the eligibility age it would have gone through with relative ease. Well Mr. Dean when you are right you’re right. So where do we go from here? How about starting over and following Howard Dean’s advice. That would be a realistic step toward insuring a large and growing number of uninsured. Allow the economy to absorb this expansion and recover a little and maybe in the future address another segment of the uninsured. If Howard Dean and I can agree on something doesn’t widespread support surely have fail to follow?
Anderson Cooper not taking comments on Healthcare
After fulfilling his obligatory defense of ANYTHING liberal Mr. Cooper’s “informational blog ” on health care reform stopped taking comments from readers. Oh how cynical can I be. To even suggest that the comments might not be running the right way and thus no need to see them might brand me as a paranoid kook. Ok it is probably unfair of me but I can’t help but take the opportunity to put the thought in some of your heads. Here’s a few other thoughts. My mother always told me that if someone tries to sell you something and they tell you to act fast, right now, or you’ll miss out, you had better run. A dispirited George W.Bush started this series of ”hurry up” executive actions and legislative “2 minute drills” with the first financial bailouts. And now it continues as if this is the only sensible way to conduct our nation’s business. The hurry up and act technique got us the “stimulus package” that has buried our grandchildren in hopeless debt, and the only stimulus has been to the unemployment rate. It also ”saved our financial system” or at least the bonus packages that the best and brightest of our financial giants seem to need in order to continue guiding us thru these troubled waters. But now we have reserved the best for last. Now we have to hurry and pass the massive “health reform bill”, otherwise known as the destroy and replace with whatever we can get bill. I wonder how many Americans know that if you currently have a “Cadillac insurance plan”, ( If you are covered at work you most likely do) , a 40 percent tax on that plan is headed your way. Unless you are a member of certain labor unions that is. I’m not sure about Nebraska residents, I only know that they don’t have to pay medicaid taxes like the rest of us chumps. And of course the best news is that although we start paying taxes and fees on this monstrosity right away there are no benefits paid out for several years, joy joy. Now here is where I make a radical suggestion, slow down. Instead of this insanity why don’t we start fixing what’s wrong with this incredible system we have now. Lets have a real debate, much like the presidential debates, and have a real solid look at these problems. Come to think of it maybe we could have a real debate about other large problems we face. Immigration, global warming, etc. I can’t be the only person in America who is sick of seeing talking heads screaming at each other. Lets have a structured series of debates conducted by legislators and the president. Crazy huh.
Political Correctness it is the biggest threat to democracy in the world today. Not Al queda, not the spread of nuclear capability, not a mischievious comet, not even the inability of young people to make change from a dollar.
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